14 September 2021

Avocado: an ally in weight loss and muscle tone!
Are you aiming for weight loss and muscle tone?
To achieve this, you need two main pillars: healthy eating and physical exercise. Not forgetting the adequate intake of nutritional supplements from the Nutricode range that helps to quickly and lastly obtain the desired result.
Did you know that there are foods that help with weight loss and at the same time advance muscle tone?
Natural food has the incredible ability to keep the body healthier, boost energy, increase vitality, help regulate emotional states and much more.
Each food has characteristics that make it unique and essential, a good example is an avocado!
Avocado is a fruit that over time has gained more and more fans! This is because it is a highly nutritious fruit (rich in fibre, vitamin E, AC, zinc, sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, copper) and high in healthy fat (omega). Thus, its consumption provides numerous benefits, including:
- Helps in muscle recovery due to its high potassium content;
- Helps to prevent cramps during physical exercise;
- Helps in the absorption of proteins;
- Promotes muscle mass formation;
- Prevents muscle fatigue;
- Helps to boost growth hormone responsible for muscle tone and recovery;
- Helps lower cholesterol levels, especially “bad cholesterol” or LDL cholesterol;
- Decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease;
- It has an antioxidant action by helping to fight the body's free radicals;
- Helps regulate intestinal transit;
- Optimizes the digestive process;
- Helps to prolong the feeling of fullness;
- The calcium present helps in strengthening bones and joints;
- Provides greater muscle strength and endurance;
- Strengthens the immune system;
- It also has an anti-inflammatory action due to the presence of vitamin E;
- Assists in weight loss.
But pay attention! Despite the numerous benefits that avocado has, it should not be consumed in excess! It is a highly caloric fruit (although its calories come from the beneficial fat) so it should be consumed in moderation, in the FIT6 Programme we recommend the consumption of half avocado a day!
Avocado is still a highly versatile fruit! It gives colour and flavour to any dish: whether it's porridge, delicious smoothies or even colourful puddings.
Lose weight, increase muscle tone and include natural foods in your day-to-day routine that help you achieve your dream body!