27 July 2021

Broccoli - Hated by some! Loved by others!
All vegetables are important! However, some are more prominent for their nutritional richness and, consequently, greater benefits for health and quality of life.
Broccoli is considered a superfood as it has an enormous nutritional richness that provides an immense array of benefits for the body:
◾ Reducing the risk of diabetes
◾ Protecting cardiovascular health
◾ Reducing inflammation
◾ Aiding digestion
◾ Improving skin health
◾ Boosting immune health
◾ Reducing the risk of cancer
◾ Improving bone health
◾ Boosting weight lose
Broccoli can be prepared in various ways, such as puree, omelettes, roasted, boiled, blended in green shakes. What is your favourite way?