22 October 2018

FAQ for FIT6 Programme
Frequently asked questions and answers:
1. How does the Programme work?
The FIT6 Programme is about losing weight. This is a self-use Programme. Those who would like to benefit from it need to buy a monthly Programme. The set contains a food supplement and all the important information, indications on nutrition, a list of necessary products.
You start with stage 1 and then follow the subsequently stages (2, 3, 4 ...) until you reach our goal. Then it is time for the stabilisation diet.
Our website: uk.fmworld.com/fit6 includes recipes that are suitable for every stage that will make it easier for you to prepare meals and keep your diet varied. You will find my contact details should you have any questions or if you want to contact us: fit6@fmcosmetics.co.uk
You can place your orders with FM WORLD independent Business Partners of or directly in our online store:
2. Why I cannot have a soup in the first stage of the Programme?
Soups are very healthy. However, you should not have soups at the beginning of the Programme to better manage your hunger. The sense of satiety is related with the consumption of proteins (meat, fish, eggs). When you eat a meal that contains soup, you eat less proteins, that is why the feeling of hunger comes back earlier. Apart from that, soup is mixed and has a liquid consistency. Eating soup and its ingestion happens faster, which causes you to get hungry faster. We eat soups strategically at different stages to accelerate weight reduction.
3. Why do I have constipation at the beginning of the Programme?
For many people, the diet included in our Programme is a big shift in their daily nutrition. The body has to adapt to the change. In addition, the diet contains a limited amount of soluble fibres, which are those that retain water and make the stool softer and easier to excrete.
In case of constipation I recommend:
- eat oats, fresh fruits and seeds allowed in the Programme
- drink the recommended amount of water
- before going to sleep drink 1 glass of tea with a weak purging effect that does not contain fruit-based sugar
4. Can I repeat certain stages?
It depends on the dietary supplement and a case. Please contact me in such a case. There might be situations in which you can take the missed dose of the supplement on the same day. Never take the missed dose in the next days.
5. I forgot to take my supplement. Can I take the missed dose together with the current one?
It depends on the dietary supplement and a case. Please contact me in such a case. There might be situations in which you can take the missed dose of the supplement on the same day. Never take the missed dose in the next days.
6. Can I take more than one NUTRICODE supplement at the same time?
It depends on the case and the food supplement. It is best to discuss this situation with us. There are supplements that can be combined and those, that cannot be combined. This also depends on the clinical picture of a given person.
7. Long can I use the detox for?
In our Programme, we recommend 1 day of detox at the beginning of every stage, starting with stage 2.
8. What do I do if I did not reach my goal after completing 6 stages?
This Programme is cyclical. If after implementing stage 6, you did not achieve your goal, you should start the Programme again from the beginning (first go through stage 1 and then the subsequent ones).
9. How do I know I can participate in this Programme?
A list of cases in which you should not use this Programme can be found on our blog, in our online store and on our Facebook profile if necessary, please contact us.
10. How can I obtain leaflets with indications on nutrition within the Programme?
You will receive an informative leaflet together with your monthly order.