18 November 2021

Most common mistakes in the Food Diary
Completing the Food Diary is mandatory for all Fit6 Programme Participants.
The food diary not only makes you more aware of your food day, but also allows to detect small "errors" and "failures" more easily. These little and sometimes hard to spot "mistakes" can prevent better results.
Hence, after analysing hundreds (or maybe even thousands) of food diaries, we wish to introduce you to the most common "errors", and most importantly, how to correct them.
Let’s start…
- Excessive fruit consumption
As per the FIT6 Programme, it is recommended to consume a piece of fruit throughout the day, but…
- It must be eaten fully at once and not divided throughout the day.
- Be careful with add-ons! When a piece of fruit is a part of pancakes or porridge it's important to count that fruit and deduct it from your daily limit.
- Lack of fruits consumption
Not only does the excess of fruits consumed during the day interfere with weight loss results, but so does their absence. The recommended portion is to eat one piece of fruit a day. What’s more, it is always important to check the equivalents in your FIT6 Leaflet. Fruits contain a high content of water, fibre, vitamins and minerals, which not only help to regulate intestinal transit and increase the feeling of satiety but also support the normal functioning of the body.
- Oats/quinoa consumption
Eating oats and quinoa daily is advised, respecting the amounts recommended in the programme. What’s important, the daily allowance must be eaten at once. It should not be divided throughout the day, even in the form of pancakes, muffins, waffles, biscuits, porridges and so on.
- Lack of oats/quinoa consumption
As stated above, oats and quinoa should be eaten on a daily basis. Thanks to their nutritional richness, oats can help with weight loss and constipation, at the same time providing a feeling of satiety.
- Treating a tea/coffee as a meal.
FIT6 advises not to take longer breaks between meals than 3 hours. Additionally, having a cup of tea or coffee cannot be considered a meal, as it has no nutritional value. Simply saying, it consists mostly of water, hence it should always be accompanied by a meal.
- Failure to comply with recommendations
Fulfilling all the recommendations presented in the FIT6 leaflets is extremely important. Thus, in addition to setting the time and what to eat for each meal, you should also remember about things like the specific time to wake up and go to bed, the amount of water consumed during the day, your intestinal transit functioning, supplementation and other information that you consider relevant must also be filled. Low water consumption, little sleep or poor bowel function can all negatively affect the weight loss process, as can medicine, medical conditions, or other routine-changing events.
- Failure to follow the rules of each stage
Each stage is unique and precise. These changes are thoroughly analysed and proven to promote continuous weight loss throughout the process and, subsequently, to maintain results after. Thus, failure to introduce a particular food at the appropriate stage may jeopardize the achievement of the desired results.
- Little Food Variety
Different foods have different nutritional values and properties. By eating the same food, you will only get the nutritional value of that food, thus causing food monotony. It is worth remembering that doing the same thing - repeating patterns, will not always bring the desired result as food variety and turnover is essential in a weight loss process. Take care of yourself! Achieve your goals and be your best and healthiest version!
How to create a diet plan for a week?
It will be as easy as ABC after the training session with Marcin!
Together we go further!