22 October 2018

The essence of the food diary
Do you know why I ask you to write your diary when doing FIT6?
Because this is the most important tool of this Programme! Why?
Imagine that you are participating in a weight loss Programme. You receive written dietary tips, but you cannot go to a dietitian for advice, there is no one to control your progress...
Where do you get strength and strong will from? Where do you get motivated?
We all know how difficult this process is. But don’t worry - our sets and your food diary will help you.
Every time you record what you eat, this activity becomes a fact, it becomes something credible, tangible.
You become responsible for yourself.
There is a confrontation with what you are doing.
Do you already have a food diary? Start writing down your activities.
I guarantee you that the risk of failure will be much smaller.
How many times in your life have you shared any issues with your friend? You already knew her/his answer, but you wanted to hear it at that moment. It was to push you forward. And that made that difference, didn’t it? It was important at this particular moment, right?
This is what your food diary is about to do.
We need a confrontation. There is no room for excuses. There is no place for disrespect for your culinary actions.
If you want to dispel your doubts online - you will find support in the dietitian.
In addition to the role of self-control, the food diary is also a helpful tool in communication with us.
How will I know that you are following the rules that have been recommended to you? How can I help you improve if I don’t know what you did or what your eating pattern was?
Often, these are not mistakes made on purpose. You simply don’t know what you are doing wrong, because the information has never been properly communicated or understood. There are also things that you don’t consider important, but they are important in this process.
Keep your food diary.